Entries open on March 1, 2025. Please check back for online entries at that time.
All fees must be paid by e-transfer to skillseast@canadianbridlehorse.com for your entries to be considered complete; spots are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Saturday August 2, 2025
Sorting and Roping Classes |
7am Competitors report to Registration & warm up area openAll competitors must visit the show secretary to sign in and get their competitor number Secretary will also be available Friday evening from 6:30 - 7:30 for those arriving the day before |
9am Opening Ceremonies and Judge's Talk
All competitors are asked to be mounted in the arena for 9am. Opening ceremonies will take place followed by a Judge's talk. |
10 am Herd Work ClassesCattle will enter the arena at 10am and Herd Work classes will begin by 10:20. Open Herd Work Intermediate Herd Work Novice Herd Work Youth Herd Work |
12:30pm Lunch Break
Concession will be available |
1:30 Roping ClassesCattle will enter the arena at 1:30 and Roping classes will begin by 1:45 Open - Two man doctoring Intermediate - Two man doctoring Novice - Ranch Roping, breakaway Youth - Ranch Roping, breakaway |
6pm Dinner and Musical EntertainmentMusic to start at 7pm Cash bar |
Sunday August 3, 2025Ranch Horse Pattern Classes |
9am Opening Ceremonies and Judge's TalkAll competitors are asked to be mounted in the arena for 9am. Opening ceremonies will take place followed by a Judge's talk. |
10am Ranch Horse Pattern Classes BeginOpen - Lope Pattern Intermediate- Lope Pattern Novice - Lope or Trot Option Pattern Youth - Lope or Trot Option Pattern |
2pm Awards Ceremony and Prize Presentations |
The Skills of the Outfits was inspired by the Early Californios Skills of the Ranchos: An event held in Parkfield CA, USA by the Californio Bridlehorse Association to honor, demonstrate and preserve and pass on the values and skills of the early Californios stockmen and bridlemen (and women) of the historic working cattle ranches across North America.
This competition is open to all aspiring, amateur and working cowboys
and cowgirls. We welcome everyone who has an interest in this way of
life. It is also an opportunity to observe, show and
share our passion for a good working stock horse; trained in the traditions of the
Vaqueros; jaquima to freno. For this reason,
preference will be shown to those choosing to present themselves and
their horses in the traditional equipment; hackamore, two-rein or
straight up.
Although the ultimate presentation would be in traditional vaquero equipment, we understand that many riders who possess excellent horsemanship and stockmanship skills will not have this gear. They are still welcome to participate at the Skills of the Outfits and we look forward to the competition these skilled individuals will present.
There will be a time limit in the interest of maintaining organization and flow, however, the speed at which a task is completed is not a factor when it comes to scoring. Taking the time to set your horse up well, ensure the safety of the livestock and your team mates and completing each task smoothly is far more important than the speed at which a task is completed.
Riders competing in The Skills of the Outfits will be competing in one of the following divisions and will be judged in all three classes which make up their division. Only one horse may be used per entry. (This means that if a rider chooses to compete with more than one horse they will need to fill out a separate registration form for each horse and each horse must complete all three classes that make up their division.)
* Entry fees cover the judging fee for all three classes that make up each division. If a rider chooses to compete in only one or two classes, that’s their prerogative, however, fees will reflect all three classes and a failure to ride in any given class will not be refunded and scores for missed classes will reflect the “no show”.
Open – Riders who are
Professional cowboys/cowgirls
Two Man Doctoring
Herd Work
Ranch Horse Pattern - Lope
Intermediate – Riders who are developing their skills and
do NOT cowboy for a living.
Two Man Doctoring
Herd Work
Ranch Horse Pattern – Lope
Novice – Someone who is new to this style and just getting started.
Herd Work
Ranch Roping – Breakaway or Dummy
Ranch Horse Pattern – Trot or Lope
Youth – Anyone under the age of 18
Herd Work
Ranch Roping – Breakaway or Dummy
Ranch Horse Pattern – Trot or Lope
Herd Work - All Divisions
Ranch Roping (Breakaway or Dummy) - Novice/Youth
Two-Man Doctoring - Intermediate/Open
Ranch Horse Pattern - All Divisions